Coming Home

I just got home last night from leading yoga at a retreat in Dripping Springs.  I also did a ton of body work while there.  It was the second time I've been involved with this group of people and truly, I love them.  They are easy to hold space for and they've been working on a quality of presence that makes my job so effortless with them.  It really is so amazing and such a blessing that part of my job is to go on retreats!  That teaching yoga and really loving it has opened all these doors for me.  

On the first day, Martha, the woman who drew all these people together did an intuitive reading for each of us.  We all chose angel cards from a deck and I got a card that said "TRUST" on it.  It didn't surprise me one bit as I have been grappling with this for my entire life and has been a source of a lot of anxiety for me.  That I exert my will probably more than I need to and have moments of panic when I consider all the what-ifs.  Martha has been telling me for a couple years now to trust the path that I'm on and I keep listening and it keeps working!  It just keeps working.  So, I'm hoping that I can take this message with me as I re-enter life as I know it.

I was really happy to see my boyfriend.  To go to Target and buy a coffee maker and get food for the cleanse I'm about to start.  I felt a lot of joy in the simple realization that I get to do what I love for a living.  There was a sense within me that everything is just as it should be.  In this moment, I feel more surrendered to life and what's happening and I've un-clenched my fists for now.  It feels nice.

My January body challenge to practice daily yoga was easy for me for the most part and I experienced very little resistance.  At this point, the practice is an extension of me and so it is natural to build it into my schedule.  This month with a cleanse and daily meditation, I imagine that I may come up against more resistance, but I am excited to see what unfolds.  Something about setting out on monthly challenges makes my life feel much more mindful and conscious.  I like the structure of it.